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Our Services

We provide Services in Crypto and Fivem Roleplay.

Loyality Programme

When you playing fivem on GotoReal you earning $JOYNT tokens for any money in game.

Safety Payments

We provide Safety Payments in fivem scene segment.

Bonuses for payments

If you buy something on GotoReal, you get $JOYNT tokens worth 1% of your payment

About Us

We Are GotoReal

We are server creators on the Fivem platform and cryptocurrency enthusiasts, we want to combine these two beautiful things like the crypto market and the Fivem scene.

We are determined to conquer the Polish fivem scene and enter the market with our own cryptocurrency.

Why Choose Us

From Players for Players

We are experienced users of the fivem platform who know what the game looks like on typical Whitelist Off servers.
And what's better, we know how to change it by combining the world of Cryptocurrencies with the Fivem Scene, which no one has ever done before ;)

Safety Payments

Amateur servers where buying a service looks like a Blik type of asshole? Hah, as we know it.
You don't want some idiot in life processing your data.
It is for people like you that we have prepared the option of paying in Solana and $JOYNT, which will ensure 100% of your data security.

Earning money without your own contribution

Many people cannot afford to enter the Cryptocurrency market, by playing on our server you can earn real Cryptocurrencies on the Solana blockchain.
And free assets make it much easier to enter this volatile investment segment.

Our Team


BeezyPay CEO


GotoReal CEO


GotoReal Management
